Monday, March 7, 2022

Miroslav Vitous - Journey's End (ECM, 1982)

This post is by Dan

Miroslav Vitous (b); John Surman (bs, ss, bcl); John Taylor (p); Jon Christensen (d)

Recorded July, 1982

Journey's End is an extension of the music played on Miroslav Vitous' First Meeting (ECM. 1979), with John Taylor replacing Kenny Kirkland on piano. John Surman adds the baritone sax to his arsenal, along with soprano and bass clarinet. Unlike the earlier album, for which Vitous wrote all the tunes, composer credits are shared by members of the group on Journey's End

Most of the pieces on Journey's End follow a pattern that begins with an individual instrument, which is then joined by others as intensity builds, followed by a quieter ending passage. This works to greatest effect on "U Dunaje U Prešpurka," "Tess," "Windfall," and "Carry On, No. 1." "Windfall" finds Surman playing ecstatically on the soprano while the supporting players respond with energy of their own. "U Dunaje" develops a restless edge during Surman's bass clarinet solo as Taylor joins to strengthen the energy. These descriptions might not sound like an ECM formula, and they're not. There are relatively few pastoral passages, usually an introduction or a coda. Mostly, this album cooks!

The most unusual piece is Vitous' "Only One," which just seems to float freely for its full 7:18 minutes. There isn't pulse as much as flow, and emphasis is on the shifting combinations of sound. Fascinating. 

While not formulaic, Journey's End does capitalize on the superb sonics realized at Oslo's Talent Studio by engineer Jan Erik Kongshaug. In particular, Jon Christensen benefits from the wonderful miking of his drum kit, which reveals all of his subtle touches. 

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